Sausage & Cream Pasta

Weeknight pasta that comes together in minutes.

4-6 servings

Time: 15 mins

Ethan ChlebowskiBy Ethan Chlebowski
Photography by Ethan Chlebowski

This variation of salsiccia e panna (sausage and cream) is one of my all time favorite comfort meals.

Ethan Chlebowski

Ethan Chlebowski



  • The pasta

    • pasta
      450 g1 lb package
    • water
    • salt
  • The sauce

    • whole peeled tomatoes
      800 g1 28oz can
    • heavy cream
      75 g
    • butter
      30 g2 spoonfuls
    • italian sausages
    • rosemary
      , fresh
      1 sprig
    • red pepper flakes
      a sprinkle
    • salt
      to taste
  • For serving

    • parmigiano reggiano
    • parsley


Step 1: Boil the pasta & sausage

Set a pot of water to . Add your sausage links and boil for 2 minutes to firm them up (this will allow you to slice them easily). Remove them from the water and slice them into even coins.

Add the pasta to your boiling pot of water, along with a small handful of salt. Set a timer and drain when finished.

  • While the pasta is boiling, you can start the sauce.

Step 2: Sear the sausage & simmer the sauce

In a large saucepan, the sausage slices in 15 grams of butter over high heat until they are . Once they are cooked through and nicely colored, remove them from the pan and set them aside. Leave any remaining fat in the pan.

Add the rosemary and pepper flakes to the pan and until they are fragrant.

Next, add the tomatoes. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, scrape any fond off the bottom of the pan. Once the pan is , reduce the heat and let it for 5-10 minutes or until the tomatoes have by about a third.

Step 3: Blend the sauce & serve

Spoon the tomato sauce into a blender, being careful to remove the rosemary sprig. Blend until smooth, and return to the pan. Add in the heavy cream and for a few minutes, or until the desired consistency is reached.

Add the cooked pasta to the sauce, along with the reserved Italian sausage, and stir to combine. Toss with the remaining 15 grams of butter to finish. Garnish with Parmigiano Reggiano & parsley and serve.



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