Basic Risotto with Parmesan

Easy risotto that doesn’t require a ton of stirring.

1-2 servings

Time: 30 mins

Ethan ChlebowskiBy Ethan Chlebowski
Photography by Ethan Chlebowski

My preferred risotto technique doesn't take 45 minutes of constant stirring. Instead, I take learnings from Marcella Hazan to make a 30-minute, hands-off creamy risotto by dialing in the texture towards the end of cooking.

Ethan Chlebowski

Ethan Chlebowski



  • Aromatic base

    • butter
      28 g2 spoonfuls
    • onions
      , grated
    • garlic
      , grated
      2 cloves
  • Rice & cooking liquid

    • arborio rice
      120 g1 part
    • broth
      120 g1 part
    • water
      240 g2 parts
  • Texture & seasoning adjusters

    • parmigiano reggiano
      , grated
      40 g3 spoonfuls
    • butter
      14 ga spoonful
    • parsley
      , chopped
      to taste
    • salt
      to taste
    • black pepper
      to taste


Step 1: Sauté the aromatics

Place butter in the pan to melt over medium-low. Grate in the onion and garlic cloves (if you don't have a grater or microplane, finely mince them with a knife instead). for 1-2 minutes until softened and fragrant.

Step 2: Simmer the rice

Add the rice and stir to coat the kernels in fat and lightly toast their exterior.

Add about 80% of the cooking liquid (broth & water) to the rice. Reserve the rest to adjust the consistency at the end of cooking.

Turn the heat to medium-high and bring the liquid to a . Stir once or twice then turn the heat to low. Cover the pan with a lid and set a timer for 10 minutes.

Once the time is up, stir the rice once or twice, cover it, and set a timer for another 10 minutes.

Step 3: Adjust seasoning & texture

Test the doneness of the rice. As needed, add in the remaining cooking liquid and stir until the risotto reaches your desired consistency.

  • Add more liquid for a loose texture and less liquid (or continue the risotto) for a compact and sticky texture.

Add in the Parmigiano and the remaining butter and stir until creamy. Add salt, black pepper, and fresh herbs to taste. Enjoy.



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