A plate of scallion green onion chinese pancakes sliced up into crispy pieces with a soy sauce dipping sauce.

Scallion Pancakes

A flakey and flavorful flatbread that is good enough to eat on its own.

4 servings

Time: 50 mins

Keith McBrayerBy Keith McBrayer
Photography by Damm Cabrera

The recipe breakdown originally appeared in The Mouthful, our weekly food newsletter for the curious home cook.

You’ll notice the technique for rolling these is very similar to making parathas, an Indian flakey flatbread, but with different aromatic ingredients (sesame oil and scallions instead of ghee).

Keith McBrayer

Keith McBrayer



  • The dough

    • flour
      2 parts240 g
    • water
      , boiling, hot
      ~ 1 part100 g
    • scallions
      , thinly sliced
      1 bunch
    • sesame oil
      as needed
    • cooking oil
      as needed
  • For serving

    • chili crisp oil
    • soy sauce


Step 1: Combine & rest the dough

Add the flour to a food processor. Turn on the food processor, and slowly drizzle in the boiling hot water until the flour is fully hydrated (you might not need to use all of the water). Let the food processor run on high for 2-3 minutes until the dough comes together into a smooth mass and has peeled away from the sides of the food processor.

  • This could also be done with a dough hook in a stand mixer, or by hand. Just make sure to until the dough is completely smooth and tender.

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap (or cover with a damp paper towel) and let rest for at least 30 minutes. Clean the food processor and gather or prep the remaining ingredients during this time.

Step 2: Roll the pancakes

Divide the rested dough into 4 even pieces.

For each piece, roll the dough into a circle as thin as you can (it should be slightly translucent). Using a pastry brush or spatula, spread a thin layer of sesame oil all over the dough, followed by an even sprinkling of scallions.

Starting on one end of the circle, roll up the dough into a tightly wrapped tube, creating layers of dough and scallions. Twist the layered tube into a spiraled tight circle and seal the end of it together (it should resemble a cinnamon roll at this point).

Then, roll each circle of coiled dough into a circle about 8 inches in diameter, which will flatten all the folds and create tons of flakey layers. It’s ok if some of the scallions poke through the dough.

  • It’s best practice to cook each scallion pancake right away after rolling it thin, then go back and roll the next one out.

Step 3: Cook the pancakes

To a hot pan, add thin layer of oil to coat the bottom surface. Carefully add a flattened scallion pancake to the pan cook on one side until it is golden (a couple of dark spots are fine). Flip the scallion pancake and cook until the other side is golden brown.

  • Pancakes can be stored in aluminum foil for a short time before serving with your meal. These are best eaten warm.

Repeat with remaining scallion pancakes. Serve warm as a side or on their own with chili crisp or soy sauce as a condiment.



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