A paratha, a flaky flatbread, cooked and charred and ready to be served with curry or in a kathi roll.

Flaky Flatbread Parathas

Parathas are one of the single greatest textural food experiences. Serve with curries, dals, or vegetable dishes.

8-10 flatbreads

Time: 1 hr

Ethan ChlebowskiBy Ethan Chlebowski
Photography by Ethan Chlebowski

These are quite easy to make at home and freezer well! Serve with curries, dals, or vegetable dishes. However, one of my favorite dishes with these is to use them for kati rolls.

Ethan Chlebowski

Ethan Chlebowski



  • Dough

    • flour
      500 g
    • water
      300 g
    • neutral oil
      30 g
    • salt
      10 g
  • For cooking

    • flour
      as needed
    • ghee
      , softened
      ~60 g


Step 1: Mixing the dough

Mix the flour, salt, and oil until evenly distributed and the oil coats the flour. Add the water and mix with your hands until no dry flour remains in the bowl.

  • Set a lid or plastic wrap over the top and let rest for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Knead the dough

Once rested, the dough should be well relaxed. for about 5 minutes until the dough passes the . Using a scale, divide the dough into 8 pieces for larger paratha or 10 pieces for smaller paratha. Spread out evenly on a plate and cover. Let rest for 15 more minutes.

Step 3: Create the layers

Sprinkle some flour on the work surface and your rolling pin. For each piece, roll the dough into a circle as thin as you can (it should be slightly translucent). Spread some of the softened ghee all over the dough then sprinkle a little more flour over the ghee.

Fold the dough in roughly 1-inch increments over itself creating multiple layers. After folding you should have one long rectangle with several layers of dough & ghee. Roll the layered rectangle into a tight circle and seal the end of it together.

Press the circle down with your hands and repeat this process with the remaining pieces of dough. Let rest for 15 minutes.

Use flour as needed to prevent sticking, roll each circle of coiled dough into a circle about 8 inches in diameter. It’s best practice to cook each paratha right away after rolling it thin, then go back and roll the next one out.

Choose one of the following two options to cook each paratha.

Step 4: Option 2 - Cook & freeze method

For the first cook, set a pan over medium-low heat. Place the paratha down and let cook for about 2-3 minutes per side until no dry spots remain.

  • Once cooked transfer to a wire rack to cool and cook the remaining parathas.

Once all the paratha are cooked and cooled, place them in a container or freezer bag separated by parchment paper to avoid sticking. Place in the freezer until ready to use.

To cook from frozen, set a pan over medium heat and add some ghee or oil. Once hot, add the paratha and cook until crispy and golden on one side, a couple of dark spots are good! Flip and cook until the other side is browned too. Eat right away.

Step 5: Option 1 - Single cook method

Place some ghee in a pan over medium heat. Once melted add the paratha and cook on one side until it is golden brown, a couple of dark spots are fine. Flip the paratha and cook until the other side is golden .

  • Parathas can be stored in aluminum foil for a short time before serving with your meal. These are best eaten warm.

Repeat with remaining parathas.



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