Peanut Banana Cocoa Crunch Bowl

Peanut Banana Cocoa Crunch Bowl

Lazy & healthy yogurt bowl that’s perfect for a light breakfast, snack, or dessert.

1 bowl

Time: 5 mins

Ethan ChlebowskiBy Ethan Chlebowski
Photography by Ethan Chlebowski

This bowl is all about the contrast of taste, texture, and temperature. It’s sweet & salty, crunchy & smooth, cold & room temp. It’s highly customize-able and a great afternoon pick me up. I make more easy healthy lunches here.

Ethan Chlebowski

Ethan Chlebowski



  • Bowl components

    • greek yogurt
      , plain, non-fat
      150 g2 parts
    • bananas
      , frozen, chunks
      65 g1 part
    • protein bars
      , crumbled
      1/21/2 part
    • peanuts
      , salted
      14 ga spoonful
    • cocoa nibs
      6 ga sprinkle
    • honey
      a drizzle


Step 1: Layer ingredients & serve

Add yogurt to a bowl, followed by frozen banana chunks, protein bar cubes, peanuts, cocoa, and a drizzle of honey. Customize it how you like! Enjoy.



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