Lamb Pita "Smash Burger"

A high protein and flavorful lunch that's ready in minutes.

1 serving

Time: 12 mins

Ethan ChlebowskiBy Ethan Chlebowski
Photography by Ethan Chlebowski

This lamb smash burger is spicy, aromatic, creamy, and only takes 10-12 minutes total.

Ethan Chlebowski

Ethan Chlebowski



  • Lamb patty

    • ground lamb
      160 g1/3 lb
    • salt
      a sprinkle
    • za'atar
      a sprinkle
    • ground harissa
      a sprinkle
  • Pita & Toppings

    • pita bread
      , halved
    • greek yogurt
      30 g
    • hummus
      15 g
    • ground harissa
      a sprinkle
    • za'atar
      a sprinkle
    • lettuce
      , thinly sliced
      to taste
    • tomatoes
      , thinly sliced
      to taste
    • red onions
      , thinly sliced
      to taste
    • lemon juice
      a squeeze


Step 1: Smash & sear the lamb patty

Pre-heat a griddle or pan over medium-high heat. Meanwhile, shape the ground lamb into a ball and sprinkle with salt.

Place the lamb patty in the hot pan and smash it down with a spatula until it spreads out to the size of the pita you'll be using.

Put a sprinkle of za’atar and ground harissa on top of the burger and let the bottom of the patty while you prep the toppings.

Step 2: Prep the toppings

Thinly slice lettuce, tomatoes and red onion. Gather the remaining ingredients - yogurt, hummus, lemon, and the pita bread.

Flip the lamb burger and press it down. Sear the other side for 2-3 more minutes or until cooked through.

  • During these last few minutes of cooking, place the pita bread on top of the burger patty to and warm through.

Step 3: Assemble & serve

Take the pita and patty off the heat to assemble the sandwich.

  • Spread the greek yogurt and a sprinkle of harissa on one half of the pita bread, and the hummus and za’atar on the other half.
  • Add the patty, lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, and whatever else you like. Finish with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Before serving, wrap the sandwich in foil to and soften for about a minute. Slice the sandwich in half and enjoy.



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