Tomato and egg stir fry illustration served over rice with scallions for garnish.

Tomato & Egg Stir Fry

A quick tomato & egg stir fry for a simple meal.

1-2 servings

Time: 15 mins

Keith McBrayerBy Keith McBrayer
Photography by Damm Cabrera

The recipe breakdown originally appeared in The Mouthful, our weekly food newsletter for the curious home cook.

In Chinese households, you’ll find a quick tomato & egg stir fry as a staple easy meal.

Keith McBrayer

Keith McBrayer



  • Eggs

    • eggs
      2-5 eggs2 parts
    • cornstarch
      a spoonful
    • white pepper
      a sprinkle
    • salt
      a sprinkle
    • soy sauce
      a splash
    • cooking oil
      a drizzle
  • Tomatoes

    • tomatoes
      , quartered
      1-2 tomatoes1 part
    • ketchup
      , optional
      a squirt
  • For serving

    • scallions
      , sliced
    • rice
      , cooked


Step 1: Beat & scramble the eggs

Add the seasonings to the eggs and beat them together until well mixed. Mix in the cornstarch to the eggs. To a wok or pan on high heat, add a drizzle of oil, and follow with the eggs. Quickly scramble on high heat, forming large curds. Before they are completely cooked through, scrape them into a separate bowl.

Step 2: Stir fry the tomatoes

Add the tomatoes to the pan and until softened. To make them saucier, optionally a squirt of ketchup.

Step 3: Combine & serve

Return the eggs to the pan and lightly fold them together with the tomatoes. Serve over cooked rice and garnish with scallions. Enjoy.



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