Miso soup

Miso soup

A super satisfying dish that comes together in under 15 minutes.

Keith McBrayerBy Keith McBrayer
Photography by Damm Cabrera

The recipe breakdown originally appeared in The Mouthful, our weekly food newsletter for the curious home cook.

Keith McBrayer

Keith McBrayer



  • 10 parts dashi broth

    • water
      1000 g
    • dashi powder
      10 g
  • 2 parts tofu

    • tofu
      , cubed
      200 g
  • 1 part miso

    • miso paste
      100 g
  • Garnishes

    • scallions
      , thinly sliced
    • wakame seaweed


Step 1: Make the broth

Add the water to a pot and bring to a . Add the dashi powder and stir until dissolved.

  • Taste the broth — it should be seasoned and savory. Satisfying enough to want to keep tasting the broth. Add a bit more dashi powder if needed.

Step 2: Add the miso & tofu

Add in the miso paste and stir until it is dissolved and no chunks remain. A whisk can help break up any chunks. Taste the broth. If you want a bit more sweetness and umami, add a bit more miso until you are happy with the flavor.

Cut the tofu into bite-sized cubes and add to the broth. The amount here is really up to your personal preference, so if you want more tofu, go for it.

Step 3: Garnish & serve

Finish with garnishes of choice. Wakame seaweed is classic. It rehydrates in the broth. Add a handful or however much you want.

Turn off the heat and add sliced scallions for color and freshness. Ladle into bowls and enjoy warm.



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