Menemen illustration with eggs, tomatoes, olive oil, herbs, and aromatics.


An easy weeknight meal and a great way to use up eggs. Satisfying for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

2-4 servings

Time: 20 mins

Keith McBrayerBy Keith McBrayer
Photography by Damm Cabrera

The recipe breakdown originally appeared in The Mouthful, our weekly food newsletter for the curious home cook.

Turkish menemen is similar to shakshuka but scrambles the eggs into the dish, usually has peppers, and is served with a healthy garnish of olive oil for a more texture.

Keith McBrayer

Keith McBrayer



  • Menemen Base

    • eggs
    • tomatoes
      , diced
    • green bell peppers
      , diced
    • salt
      to taste
    • extra virgin olive oil
      a drizzle
  • Aromatics & spices

    • onions
      , diced, optional
    • paprika
      a sprinkle
    • dried oregano
      a sprinkle
  • Additional toppings

    • extra virgin olive oil
    • parsley
    • dill


Step 1: Sauté the vegetables & spices

In a wide pan, the peppers, onions, tomatoes, and spices with oil and a pinch of salt until aromatic and softened.

Step 2: Add the eggs

Lightly beat the eggs together. Add the egg mixture to the aromatic base. Gently fold the mixture together as it sets so the vegetables don’t become too homogenous with the eggs.

Step 3: Finish & serve

Once the eggs are mostly cooked through, remove from the heat. Taste and adjust with salt. Garnish with herbs, if you are using them, and a healthy drizzle of olive oil.



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